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torstaina, 30. kesäkuuta 2022, klo 8.27

Life and water

Pekka Reinikainen

My Zoom presentation for CMI, the 25th of June 2022 

Today the theory of evolution from ”sea to man” is literally “dead in the water”. There are no evolutionary answers to the vital questions about the origin of life and the origin of oceans of water. Life needs water, but water is at the same time toxic to life because proteins come apart in water! Water can kill you if you drink too much of it! Strange but True: Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill

As usual -- only Bible has the answer. It tells us in 2nd Peter 3:5: ”For this they willfully forget, that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the word of God”

Water is an astonishing substance: The wonders of water We are mostly water! 66% of the human body is water. Our incredible kidneys maintain this water balance even if we drink just 1 litre or over 10 litres per day!

Where did life come from? – scientists do not know!

Where did the genetic code come from? Where did the information in the code come from? – there are no scientific answers!

Royal Society’s Evolution 2.0 Prize offers $10 million to the first person ”to self-organise chemicals into code”. But a mere code would accomplish nothing by itself.

Origin of Information is the central question in Origin Of Life

It is critical to evolution itself, because information always originates from outside of matter. As usual the Bible reveals us the origin of information: ”In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1).

We do not really know ”what life ’in itself’ is!”

Neither is there any mechanism for producing man from a single cell. Nobody knows what consciousness is!

At the Royal Society in Great Britain,

on the 31st of May 2019, Perry Marshall explained the story behind the prize: ”It is the most fundamental scientific question that can be precisely defined. A breakthrough may be as valuable as Einstein’s E=MC^2 or the invention of the transistor”. Origin Of Life: $10 Million Prize at the Royal Society Origin and evolution of the genetic code is the universal enigma.

But an even greater dilemma is the origin of the building blocks of life’s proteins – the amino acids!

The standard code is substantially robust to translational misreadings as well as mutations. Origin and evolution of the genetic code: the universal enigma It is selected from an astronomical choice of possibilities, and appears quite optimal, as there is an inbuilt redundancy in the code to tolerate mutations. Redundancy means that several combinations of three of its DNA’s bases can code for the same amino acid. This, coupled with an inbuilt proofreading and mutation correcting mechanism makes it possible for us to exist, for a while, – but no more than about 6 000 years in this fallen world. But in spite of this repair mechanism, over 1 100 000 recessive copying errors have so far accumulated in mankind’s genome (The Human Gene Mutation Database) and we will soon go extinct because of this. It is not possible! for sexually reproducing organisms to exist for millions of years. Fisher’s Famous Theorem Has Been “Flipped”. The end of life in this fallen world is approaching with an ever increasing speed, because the repair machinery is also falling apart with accelerating speed because of copying errors in its code.

Another reason for the deterioration of the code

is the disappearance of G-C pairs from the code. Mutations are not random The probable reason for their disappearance could be thermodynamics, since G-C are joined by 3 hydrogen bonds, A-T pair by 2 bonds only - so mutations eliminate them! This is the definitive ”coup de grace” for the claimed ”millions of years” of evolution!


The mystery of proteins – who chose the 20 amino acids of life?

DNA’s co-discoverer Francis Crick’s seminal paper posits that the actual allocation of amino acids to codons is mainly accidental (Crick FH. The origin of the genetic code. J Mol Biol. 1968;38(3):367–79). Today we know that this is not so. Life’s amino acids have been carefully chosen from a huge sea of poisonous molecules. But how could this have happened? It looks like the selection is quite optimal. This has recently been shown by a computer study: Scientists find biology's optimal 'molecular alphabet' may be preordained

Why only certain amino acids can be used?

It is the shape of their molecular side chains that makes the difference when folding them into proteins. This folding is done by special molecules called chaperones - so here is yet another chicken or egg dilemma – which ”evolved” first and why?

Based on new evidence and knowledge that functioning protein types are extremely rare (about 50 000), should Darwin’s theory of evolution be dismissed? Mathematical Challenges To Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution

Yale University computer scientist David Gelernter is a polymath, a brilliant writer, artist, and thinker. Famed both for his specific scientific expertise, and for his cultural, political, and historical reflections, he’s also now a confessed Darwin skeptic. He has said: “Darwinism is no longer just a scientific theory but a basis of a worldview, and an emergency . . . religion for the many troubled souls who need one.” The probability of getting just one protein, 150 amino acids long, is one possibility out of 10 to the 195 power of choices. A simple cell needs 300 such ”lucky strikes” to function!

And this is not all - it gets desperate for evolution,

since DNA and proteins accomplish absolutely nothing without a cell membrane! Life and heredity is not a chain of molecules with a code. Life is cells - not DNA! just as a PC is more than a USB memory stick!

Only intelligent design can explain the ingenious cell membrane,

that keeps every living cell both sealed against and selectively open to its environment (ie. watertight and leaking at the same time!) There is no cell life without this astonishing feat of engineering that must have been present in the first cell because otherwise excess water would have taken apart all chains of molecules = DNA, RNA and proteins! It is becoming more obvious than ever, that God has reserved the monopoly to create exclusively to Himself. 

In other words, evolution from the sea to the first cell is impossible -- because water, chemistry and physics prevent it – but even if it had happened – the road to man is blocked!

Yet another severe problem for the neodarwinian evolution theory is to explain the evolution of sexual reproduction. Evolutionists have usually assumed that sexual reproduction evolved because it somehow facilitates survival in the Darwinian sense. But nobody can beat bacteria that reproduce every 20 minutes and have a huge pangenomePangenome calculations indicate that E. coli genomic diversity represents an open pangenome model containing a reservoir of more than 13,000 genes The pangenome structure of Escherichia coli: comparative genomic analysis of E. coli commensal and pathogenic isolates Offspring of greater variety is therefore richly available for bacteria who are the real rulers of this planet from an evolutionary perspective!!!

The mystery of sex

Since asexual reproduction has the advantage of producing far more offspring, it provides evolution much more to select from. Further, the offspring are far less vulnerable because they skip or rapidly progress through the infant or larval stages. In contrast, the brief reproduction period and few offspring for sexual reproduction produces such clear disadvantages that one may wonder why it would evolve at all? Harmful mutations are weeded out more effectively in asexual populations – on the contrary in sexual populations recessive mutations accumulate and can cause serious problems when reproducing with close relatives and lead to rapid extinction as they accumulate in the long run. Bible warns in Leviticus 18:6 (note that before that time it was not yet a problem!) None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD.”

The importance of the origin of sex 

Sex must be important because it is so expensive. The problem is that a sexual female wastes time, first in finding a mate and then in producing sons who carry only half of her inheritance.

What do we need males for?

A female who gave them up would be able to produce twice as many daughters as before; they would carry her genes. We are still not certain why males exist; and why, if we must have them at all, nature needs so many. Surely one or two would be enough, but for some reason the ratio of males to females remains equal (Jones, S. 1993. The language of genes. Bantam Doubleday. New York). Evolution is totally inadequate to explain why males exist!

Is evolution eliminating males?

This seems to be the case. Men are losing their Y-chromosome. The number of genes on the Y has plummeted from more than 1,000 to roughly 50, a loss of more than 95 percent. The X chromosome, in contrast, stands strong at roughly 1,000 genes. Humans and most other mammals use the familiar XY system. A gene on the Y chromosome triggers the development of sperm, determining male sex. The Incredible Shrinking Sex Chromosome

The lack of evidence of any biological systems that can bridge the chasm

between sexual and asexual reproduction either to-day or in the past is also a major difficulty with evolution theory. The complete lack of any transitional forms for all sexual traits is a huge major fossil gap. The complete lack of transitional forms bridging asexual cellular division from the more complex asexual and sexual reproduction is not explained but confounded by the fact that some plants and simple animals can reproduce both sexually and asexually. This would confer upon the organism an enormous evolutionary advantage: its genes could be passed on regardless of whether a mate was available.

It is important to comprehend that both sexual and asexual reproduction

are an important part of the overall functioning and survival of life on Earth. We could not exist without viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. It is an ”an all or nothing” world. It would be impossible for bacteria to fulfill their critical ecological role of recycling if they reproduced sexually. Sexuality exists because it is part of God’s plan for humans and other organisms. Evolution focuses on survival only. It is difficult even to speculate on the possible evolution of the gonads that fit together and the sexual reproductive system from a hypothetical common ancestor of all life. Sex would not be selected for until it was highly functional and superior to cellular division.

THE HURDLE OF FERTILISATION - the last nail to evolution’s coffin!

Fertilisation is the fusion of egg and sperm. It is a very complicated process and not completely understood. How does man’s sperm find its way to woman’s egg? Sperm must travel from the vagina 3 thousand times the sperms length. It is like swimming over 3 miles without certainty of reaching the desired target. There are over 200 million sperm at the starting line, but only one in a million reach the final showdown in the fallopian tube.

What propels the sperm? They swim actively and the structures of the cervix and tubes guide them. The timing must be right to avoid the immunological defense system. The sperm are stored and matured in the tubes for the final sprint and sperm’s thermotactic and chemotactic guidance systems are activated. Woman’s body helps guide sperm to their target, but at the same time! it builds hurdles to them so that only the best and strongest get near the egg. +++ over 30 other factors needed – again ALL OR NOTHING!


Too many people today ignore the facts about human development in the womb. More to the point, the unfolding story of life in the womb tends to make people uneasy because it places a miraculous – and human – face on the lives of the unborn and transforms abortion into murder.

So just how did you develop in the womb?

What is the awesome world of life, swimming in the womb, like?


Fetal physiology relies on the placenta as the organ of gas exchange, nutrition, metabolism, and excretion, it is a veritable ICU or Intensive Care Unit! In the fetoplacental circulation, most of the oxygenated blood flows from the placenta through the umbilical vein and is shunted away from the high-resistance pulmonary circuit of the lungs, via the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus, into the low-resistance systemic circuit of the baby.

Fetal blood is relatively hypoxemic, with an arterial PaO2 of 20 to 30 mm Hg and oxyhemoglobin saturation of 75% to 85%. However, compensatory mechanisms are in place that allow adequate tissue oxygenation and growth of the baby to occur. Fetal oxygen consumption is decreased, and the red cell mass is increased in comparison to that of a newly born infant. In addition, fetal hemoglobin has increased affinity for oxygen - lots of details!!!....

The adaptation from intrauterine life in water to extrauterine life on land

starts during the process of labour. Labour not only increases oxygen consumption in the transitioning fetus but also causes brief periods of asphyxia during contractions as umbilical venous blood flow is briefly interrupted. The fetus tolerates this interruption in blood flow because fetal tissue beds have greater resistance to acidosis than adult tissue beds do. The fetus responds to bradycardia with the “diving reflex” whereby blood preferentially flows to the brain, heart, and adrenal glands. Finally, the fetus is capable of switching to anaerobic sugar production, provided that liver glycogen stores are adequate.

During labour and delivery, catecholamine (stress hormone) levels surge and increase lung fluid resorption, release of surfactant, and stimulation of gluconeogenesis, to get the extra energy needed. This surge also helps direct blood flow to vital organs such as the heart and brain. With clamping of the umbilical cord, the low-resistance placental circuit is removed from the newborn's circulation. Systemic blood pressure increases, and transition to the postnatal circulation begins.

As a newly born infant takes the first few breaths, negative intrathoracic pressure is generated, which helps the lungs expand and become filled with air. Alveolar oxygenation increases as air replaces the fetal lung fluid. The negative intrathoracic pressure, however, is countered by lung compliance, lung fluid viscosity, and surface tension forces. Because these factors need to be overcome to establish adequate alveolar expansion, the infant must take deep enough breaths to create the large transpulmonary pressure initially required after birth.

Surfactant, a phospholipid-protein complex that is produced by type II pneumocytes and is deposited along the alveolar surfaces, also helps counteract alveolar surface tension and promote alveolar stability. As a result of the increasing effect of surfactant, less transpulmonary pressure is needed for subsequent breaths, and functional residual capacity (FRC) is soon established. Pulmonary blood flow increases as the lungs expand, and pulmonary vascular resistance declines under the influence of oxygen-mediated relaxation of the pulmonary arterioles. This increase in pulmonary blood flow in turn allows the patent foramen ovale and the patent ductus arteriosus to functionally close, thereby allowing further blood flow to the lungs. The postnatal circulation is now that of a low-resistance pulmonary circuit and high-resistance systemic circuit, and the lungs assume the responsibility of gas exchange and oxygenation.

Amazingly, the majority of newly born infants make the transition from fetal to postnatal circulation without significant difficulty.


Multiple maternal, placental, mechanical, and fetal problems may occur at any point in the process of pregnancy, labor, or delivery and can jeopardize a smooth fetus-to-newborn transition. The fetoplacental circulation can be compromised for a variety of reasons. All of these circumstances may cause deceleration of the fetal heart rate and in turn can result in hypoxia and ischemia. In the case of maternal hypotension, the maternal side of the placenta is inadequately perfused. In placental abruption, gas exchange between the fetus and mother is impaired. Blood flow from the placenta or through the umbilical cord (or both) may be compromised, such as with cord compression. A fetus with intrauterine growth restriction may be intolerant of even brief and intermittent interruptions of umbilical blood flow during contractions…


Paul describes our origin in Acts 17:26,28: ”From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth -- we are his offspring.” Also in Hebrews 2:11 we read: ”Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters”.

This is very exciting – we are members of God’s family.

BUT WHAT MEANS: ”From one man”?

It shows that we are family! – but where did the woman come from? ”The Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man” (Genesis 2:22). Can this be true? – Absolutely, it is quite obvious! Why? Simply because nobody knows a way of getting a man and a woman through evolution! There are only men and women – no intermediary forms as the ”rainbow establishment claims”, men produce sperm, women have eggs. Eve is, again according to the Bible!, ”the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). Eve’s eggs make it literally possible for us to exist for about 6 000 years, because eggs do not divide in a woman’s ovaries and thus much less copying errors are produced. As a result, just a few egg generations separate us from our grand-grand … grandmother Eve, and that is the reason why mutations or copying errors have not yet killed us! God has thought about everything! As the Bible says: ”In the beginning God created them male and female” (Genesis 1:26-27). Also Jesus quotes Genesis in Mark 10:6: ”From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female”. Indeed! - from the very beginning – the study of DNA proves this, too! We can almost say that we have the Bible in our DNA – Creation, Fall, family archives and the end of the world!

Christianity is based on 3 important principles:

- No life without Creation

- No death without the Fall

- No eternal life without redemption in Christ and baptism by water:

John 3:3-5: ”Jesus answered and said unto him (Nicodemus), ’Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God’.

Nicodemus saith unto him, ’How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born’?

Jesus answered, ’Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’”.

This fallen world – life, death and eternity - makes sense only in the light of Creation!


Pekka Reinikainen: Man's life in water and on land

PEKKA REINIKAINEN, LL, tietokirjailijaPekka Reinikainen on valmistunut lääkäriksi Ranskan Montpellierissä ja toiminut käytännön lääkärinä yli 40 vuotta sekä yli 10 vuotta kuntoutuslääkärinä ja koululääkärinä. Reinikainen on toiminut kolme kautta Lääkäriliiton valtuuskunnassa ja useissa valiokunnissa sekä Kunnallislääkärit ry:n hallituksessa, Helsingin aluelääkäriyhdistyksen puheenjohtajana sekä Suomen kristillisen lääkäriseuran puheenjohtajana. Hän on myös Viron kristillisen lääkäriseuran kunniajäsen. Hän on toiminut 10 vuotta sosiaalilautakunnan, 20 vuotta Helsingin kaupunginvaltuuston ja Valtioneuvoston päihde- ja raittiusasiain neuvottelukunnan jäsenenä sekä kirkolliskokouksen jäsenenä 16 vuotta.

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